Sunday, December 24, 2017

Rish Outcast 96: A Very Outfield Christmas

So, here's a quickly cobbled-together Christmas episode I recorded after being sick for a week.*

I say a few words about Dickens, "A Christmas Carol," and ask Fake Sean to join me in the holiday.  I'd assure you that, had I not gotten sick, this episode would be a lot better . . . but I think you and I both know that isn't true.

Go ahead and download the episode HERE.

I tried (and tried, and tried) to do a video portion of this episode, and could never quite get the hang of it.  But I did sit down and edit my little excerpt as best I could, if you'd like to see how that went.

Oh, and here's a link to my Scrooge-related story "The Present of the Christmas Ghost."

*Basically, I messed up (again), and got myself behind schedule.  So, we'll run with this episode this week, next week's episode next week, and last week's episode the week after that.  And THEN, we'll get to that show that got bumped in October.  Maybe.


spaceVulture said...

I liked the Celebrity Jeop... I mean Christmas Carol. That was fun and I love that Ed Wynn made it in there.

I have to say that my two favorite Christmas Carol adaptations are Scrooged ("Oh look a toaster!") and Muppet Christmas Carol (What great music!), but I do appreciate the classic Sim version, as well as the Scott one. Something about Scrooged just combines the 80's and the tale so well, and Michael Caine as Scrooge is just perfect to me.

Rish Outfield said...

I'm not sure how good my Ed Wynn is, since it's basically just saying "Donchaknow" at the end of every sentence, but thanks.

I've never seen MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL (nor MUPPET TREASURE ISLAND, MUPPET WIZARD OF OZ, or MUPPET EYES WIDE SHUT). Growing up, my cousins loved the Muppets the way I love cannibalistic desert mutants, and I never really got into them. Also, Muppet productions tend to feature Miss Piggy, who I hate like . . . like most people hate mutated desert cannibals, so there's that.

spaceVulture said...

I understand your hatred of Miss Piggy, she's far from my favorite, but I believe this is the least Miss Piggy movie of all. And probably the most Gonzo, which is another plus. Considering how much you love the story, you might wanna give this one a try at some point. And, I have to say, I do like Muppet Treasure Island. Because, Pirates! I love pirates and there was such a dearth of pirate movies for so long I'm enjoying this resurgence. Good or bad. For goodness sake, there was a time where the pirate movies of note had a member of Monty Python, Jessica Lansbury, or half of an odd couple in them. I'll take what I can get.